Sewerage Connection & Access Road to Embaho SACCO Project Title: Proposed Sewerage Connection & Access Road to Embaho SACCO Client: Embaho SACCO Location within Country: Nairobi No. of Staff: 4 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Civil Engineer Water and Sanitation Engineer Structural...
Proposed Voi Pool Housing Project Project Title: Proposed Voi Pool Housing Project Client: Ministry of Public Works Location within Country: Voi No. of Staff: 5 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Eng. B.M Owitti – Civil Engineer Eng. C. Gitahi – Structural Engineer...
Donholm Housing Estate. Project Title: Proposed Donholm Housing Estate Client: Greenspan Investment Location within Country: Nairobi No. of Staff: 10 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Water Engineer Sewerage Engineer Structural Engineer Institutional Expert Environmentalist Quantity Surveyor No of Staff-Months; Duration of Assignment:...
Nzoia Sugar Co. Ltd Domestic Sewerage System. Project Title: Nzoia Sugar Co. Ltd Domestic Sewerage System. Client: Nzoia Sugar Co. Ltd Location within Country: Bungoma No. of Staff: 7 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Water Engineer Sewerage Engineer Structural Engineer Environmentalist Quantity...
Aduoyo Kokise Water Supply Project Project Title: Aduoyo Kokise Water Supply Project Client: The Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna – Lwak, Siaya Region Location within Country: Siaya No. of Staff: 4 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Water Engineer Structural Engineer Environmentalist Surveyor...
Stormwater Drainage – Aga Khan Project Title: Stormwater Drainage Project for Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu Client: Aga Khan Hospital Kisumu Location within Country: Kisumu No. of Staff: 5 Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles): Roads Engineer Drainage Engineer Structural Engineer Environmentalist Surveyor No...