Sewerage Connection & Access Road to Embaho SACCO
Project Title: Proposed Sewerage Connection & Access Road to Embaho SACCO
Client: Embaho SACCO
Location within Country: Nairobi
No. of Staff: 4
Professional Staff provided by Our Firm/Entity(profiles):
- Civil Engineer
- Water and Sanitation Engineer
- Structural Engineer
- Surveyor
No of Staff-Months; Duration of Assignment: 3 Staff –month
Start Date: (Month/Year): Dec / 2008
Completion Date: Mar/2011
Approximate Value of Service (Kshs): KShs. 0.5m
Name of Associated Consultants: None
No of Months of Professional Staff provided by Associated Consultants: N/A
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:
- Eng. B.M Owitti; Structural and Civil Planning, Organizing, Coordination, Control
Narrative Description of project:
- Design of Sewerage Connection
- Access Roads and Parking
- Sewer and Storm Drain
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:
- Review and design ( Design where necessary)